Click on my great grandmother to see my mother's side of the family
Link to my mother's side of the family |
PEARL LINCOLN (1850-1937) |
My mom had a strong personality which I think she inherited from her ancestors. I have eliminated their last name in some
of the biographies to protect my identity here on the internet, but I am hoping if you are clever you will figure it out.Robert,
my second great grandfather, is the patriarch on Gramp's side, an Irish immigrant who created a fortune by establishing a
successful furniture business based on mass production, steam powered machinery, the abundance of raw materials and ready
transportation in the Cincinnati Ohio area, incredible perserverence, talented associates and a magnetic personality. Hoyt
Sherman, my second great grandmother on Granny's side, was an Iowa pioneer in financial services and real estate. He served
as a major in the civil war and is brother to General WT Sherman. Click on the picture (left) for more.