Time flies. I still think the year should be 1900 something. Today is

That means this web site has been here for over twenty years.

Bill Campbell

My Story | Welcome to my website!

I was born in 1950. My first job was as a day camp counselor. In college I worked summers in north central Ontario Canada as a counselor at a wilderness canoe camp. I have driven a flower delivery truck and have been an auto hiker, driving cars from one dealer to another. I have been a preschool teacher. Many of the jobs I have had have been in sales, at department stores, a sheet music store, computer and office stores, over the phone when you least expect or appreciate it. My dad had an single occupation his whole life but not me, I have worked on a kibbutz farm in Israel, traveled extensively in Europe and for a month on my own in east Africa. I am now retired. I live with my third wife Wendy and five cats (10 lifetime)!in Oakwood, a small suburb of Dayton, Ohio USA.

My father's Family

My mother's family

My wife's family

I grew up in Michigan, went to school as a boarder in Rhode Island, graduated after four years of liberal arts college in northern Illinois. My family is fourth generation and more American. My father's family goes back to Scotland via New England. My father's family American noteables include my great great grandfathers James V. Campbell who was one of the big three members of the Michigan supreme court around the civil war, his son Henry a director of big companies, a major Detroit financial institution, drug company; a civic leader and George Van Ness Lothrop an American ambassador to Russia. I am also a descendant of John Alden of Mayflower fame.

My mother's father was a auto executive pioneer descended from a Cincinnati furniture magnate and her mother was a Sherman of Ohio; my great great great grandfather was a traveling Ohio Supreme Court justice whose sons were Senator John Sherman a presidential candidate and author of the Sherman Antitrust Act and General William Tecumseh Sherman, among 10!others.

The more I explore my family, the more amazed I am. There are lots of links on this site leading to more detailed historical tidbits.

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A little perspective on things

This is our house.