Duffields and Bethunes
Rev. George DUFFIELD II (1732-1790)
was born in Lancaster county, Pa., Oct. 7, 1732;
son of George Duffield, an emigrant from Ireland to Pennsylvania. He was graduated from the College of New Jersey in 1752
and was a tutor there, 1754-56. He was ordained a Presbyterian clergyman in 1761 and was pastor at various towns in Pennsylvania
until 1766, when he made a missionary tour through Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia. In 1771 he became pastor of the 3d
Presbyterian church in Philadelphia, and in 1774 was appointed associate chaplain with Bishop William White of the 1st Continental
congress. After the close of the war he was active in reorganizing the Presbyterian church. He was a trustee of the College
of New Jersey, 1777-90. Yale conferred upon him the honorary degree of D.D. in 1785. He published: An Account of a Missionary
Tour Through Western Pennsylvania in 1766 (1767); and Peace (1783). He died in Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 2, 1790.
George Duffield V (1818-1888) composer of hymns including Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus
A Eulogy for Rev George Duffield IV
G Duffield IV was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania
in 1811 and in 1815 was ordained a Presbyterian clergyman. He held pastorates in Carlisle, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., New York
city, and Detroit, Mich. He was a regent of the University of Michigan, 1840-48. He was married to Isabella Graham Bethune,
sister of Dr. George W. Bethune and granddaughter of Isabella Graham, the philanthropist. Their son, Divie Bethune, born in
Carlisle, Pa., Aug. 29, 1821, studied at Dickinson and Yale, was admitted to the bar in 1843, practised in Detroit, Mich.,
was a member of the state board of education and inspector of the Michigan military academy, and died in Detroit in March,
1891. Doctor Duffield received the degree of D.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1841. He published: Regeneration
(1832); Claims of Episcopal Bishops Examined (1842); and Travels. He died in Detroit, Mich., June 26, 1868. This
distinguished man, who has left his impress upon the people of Michigan to as marked an extent, perhaps, as any other one
of its citizens, deserves a much fuller history than can be condensed into the limits of our allotted space. As a scholar,
preacher, patriot, and friend, he was earnest and strong; and, as an advocate of the best interests of the people, irrespective
of rank, color, or condition, it may be safely said that he had no superior in the State of Michigan. Thirty of the best years
of his life were given for the building up of sound sentiment on all questions that involved the highest welfare of the people;
and the seed which his brave hand sowed broadcast, not only in the city of his home, but throughout the North-west, has borne
and is still bearing abundant and precious harvests. He was born in Strasburg, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, on the 4th
day of July, 1794; and the spirit of his birthday's independence seemed to have impressed his entire life. His father, for
whom he was named, was the son of the celebrated Rev. George Duffield, of Revolutionary memory; who, in conjunction with Bishop
White, was Chaplain of the first Congress of the United States, and, at the same time, pastor of the Pine Street Presbyterian
Church, of Philadelphia. His fame as a preacher and a fearless and eloquent advocate of liberty is well known to all students
of American history. The father of the subject of this sketch was at one time a prominent merchant of Philadelphia, and, for
nine years, Comptroller-General of Pennsylvania under the gubernatorial administration of the distinguished statesman, Thomas
Mackean. His son, George Duffield, of whom we write, early showed great aptitude for study, and graduated with honor from
the University of Pennsylvania, when but sixteen years of age. In June, 1811, he took his degree; and, in the autumn of the
same year, entered the Theological Seminary of New York, then under the care of the celebrated John M. Mason, D. D. There
he spent four years; and, on the 20th of April, 1815, yet lacking a few months of his majority, he was licensed to preach,
by the Presbytery of Philadelphia. From that day until the day of his death, full three and fifty years, he continued faithfully,
vigorously, and earnestly to preach the Gospel. In the year 1817, in the city of New York, he married Isabella Graham Bethune,
daughter of D. Bethune, Esq., a prominent merchant of that city, and granddaughter of the widely known Isabella Graham, whose
memory is still fragrant in the churches of Scotland and America. The late George W. Bethune, D. D., the distinguished orator
and lecturer of New York, was a brother of the lady whom Doctor Duffield had chosen for his wife. Doctor Duffield's first
settlement was at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, over the same Presbyterian Church which had formerly enjoyed the pastoral care of
his grandfather. Here he remained a settled pastor for about nineteen years, when he accepted a call to the Presbyterian Church
of Philadelphia, formerly under the care of Thomas H. Skinner, D. D. His connection with this church lasted but two years,
when he was called to the Broadway Tabernacle, of New York City, where he remained during the month of October, 1838. He then
became settled pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Detroit, at that time a large church and the only one of that denomination
in the city. Shortly after his arrival in the State, he was appointed one of the Regents of the State University, where his
scholarship, experience in collegiate affairs, and earnest devotion to the cause of popular education, enabled him to do much
to shape and promote the interests of this now widely known institution of learning. In those days, no one man did more effective
service for our then youthful university than did Doctor Duffield, as the records of the institution amply disclose. The character
of the man of whom we write was that of an untiring investigator after truth, both scientific and moral; an earnest advocate
of revealed truth; a determined and obstinate friend of liberty, civil and religious; a strong ally of all engaged in the
cause of education and social reforms of every kind; and a sympathizing friend of the distressed in every grade of life. A
man, unostentatious in his habits, yet of the highest culture, capable of leading in the most learned circles of science,
theology or general literature, and still not ashamed to yield his society to the very lowliest of the poor. With a will which
expelled all fear, even in the presence of overwhelming opposition, he was still as tender-hearted and sympathetic as a woman.
He was largely varied in the learning of both ancient and modern languages, reading with ease no less than ten or twelve,
and speaking several. His preaching was greatly enriched by his tireless researches in the mines of ancient learning, so that
he was continually bringing before his people and the public treasures both new and old. The motto of his family, which he
carried upon his seal, was broad and noble: Deo, rei public, et amicis, esto fidelis,--"To God, your country, and your friends,
be ever faithful." Fully did he appreciate its injunctions, and faithfully did he live up to its mandate, even to the end
of his honorable career. On the 24th of June, 1868, while apparently in perfect health, and engaged in giving welcome to the
delegates of the International Convention of the Young Men's Christian Association, then assembling in Detroit, and, when
scarcely half through his address, his voice faltered, and, with the expression: "My head reels, I must stop," he fell into
unconsciousness, in the arms of General Howard, of the United States army. He was borne to his own home, where, on the 26th
of June, 1868, he died, lamented not only by the people of the West, but, to a large extent, by those of the whole country.
Among those who knew him well he will long be remembered as a man of great learning; strict purity of life; high and holy
purpose; conviction strong as walls of granite; and a will which, though held under the control of conscience and judgment,
was of that type which we sometimes characterize as Roman; for scarcely in the palmiest days of Rome could there have been
found, among patricians or plebeians, one whose firmness was greater than his. As a patriot, no one was in advance of him
when the hour of danger dawned. Then his clarion voice was heard, waking and rallying the citizens to the defense of the country.
When the national life was threatened, during the dark days of the civil war, he put the banner of his country into the hands
of his two sons and sent them, at the head of a Michigan regiment, to the field of battle. He never, even in the darkest day,
lost courage or hope; but, by speech, prayer, and personal example, inspired others with his own indomitable spirit. He was
the stay and the staff of thousands of loyal hearts, for his patriotism was of no ordinary type; it was such as his country
could and did rely upon; and of the same inflexible character as that of his Revolutionary ancestor. In conclusion, we may
say of Doctor Duffield, that he was one of those who lived "in the age when men were men, and not ashamed of Heaven.
Joanna and Divie Bethune
Divie Bethune was a Scottish emigrant merchant in New York City. His wife Joanna, born at Fort Niagara, was the daughter of
a surgeon in the Royal American Regiment and Isabella Graham, a pioneer in humanitarian work. Joanna spent her early years
in Antigua and Scotland, returning to America in 1789. She joined her mother teaching school and working in New York City
charities. In 1802, seven years after their marriage, the Bethunes founded the first Sunday school in New York City; they
remained active in the movement throughout their lives. Joanna was instrumental in founding the New York Orphan Asylum in
1806. Divie Bethune's business success allowed him to be a strong financial supporter of a number of national religious and
humanitarian societies formed in the mid-nineteenth century.
Isabelle (Mrs. Morse) Stewart's brothers:
George Duffield V and
Divie Bethune Duffield
D. Bethune Duffield, son of Rev. George Duffield and Isabella Graham Duffield, was born August 29, 1821 in Carlisle, Cumberland
county, Pennsylvania, where he resided until his parents moved to Philadelphia. He was reputedly, an accomplished scholar
in ancient and modern languages. He graduated at the Yale Law School in 1842 and was admitted to the practice of his profession
at Detroit, Michigan, the following year. Duffield practiced law with George V.N. Lothrop, who later served as U.S. minister
to Russia. Duffield's poetry appeared in various periodicals including Knickerbockers.
He took an active part in the establishment of the free common school system in Detroit and served as President of the
Board of Education for some time. Besides his efforts along education and literary lines, he excelled as a lecturer. His poems
were the spontaneous productions, performed in the midst of an active professional life. Among his poems might be mentioned
'The Maid of Chamouni,' 'The Sounding Sea,' and 'A Sabbath Sunset Prayer.'"
He died in Detroit, Michigan in 1891.
Poem by D. Bethune Duffield, Esq.
The following poem was written by D. Bethune Duffield, Esq., a longtime "friend of the 24th". It was read on
the occasion of the presentation of new flags on April 27, 1864. These flags were to replace the one damaged at Gettysburg,
which the poem alludes to. The photographs depict the current state of these flags. The poem comes directly from Curtis, p.
226-227. The original title of this poem is currently unknown.
Several have suggested the possibility that this poem was actually put to music and sung. This is a very intriguing notion.
If it had been set to music I have no idea what the tune might be. Many Civil War songs used the tunes of popular period melodies.
In fact, many used traditional Irish or Scottish airs. If anyone has a suggestion as to what tune the words might fit, I would
be most interested.
1. What tho' fair maids be sighing, and what tho' wives are crying,
As they buckle on the belt;
Our flag is up and flying, and soldier buys are dying,
Where the battle's blows are dealt.
CHORUS -- So march, boys, march with the gallant Twenty-fourth,
And o'er each hill and glade, where our noble boys are laid,
We'll sing the priceless Worth of the Triple State Brigade,
The Ironclad Brigade and the gallant Twenty-fourth.
2. You know the stormy waking when day was slowly breaking,
'Round Frederick's cloudy height;
How like the thunder quaking, our guns the hills were shaking,
And how bloody was the fight.
CHORUS -- Then march, boys, march with the gallant Twenty-fourth,
And on Frederick's Esplanade, where our noble boys are laid,
We'll sing the priceless Worth of the Triple State Brigade,
The Ironclad Brigade and the gallant Twenty-fourth.
3. At Fitzhugh's bloody crossing, how dark those waves were tossing,
As our boats rushed on their way.
With oar and musket clashing, and bullets round us splashing,
How we stormed on to the fray.
CHORUS -- Then march, boys, march with the gallant Twenty-fourth,
And along the river's shade, when the cannon on us played,
We'll sing the priceless Worth of the Triple State Brigade,
The Ironclad Brigade and the gallant Twenty-fourth.
4. Then through the midnight marching, our tongues all dry and parching,
To Chancellorsville we prest;
When, from the dead fast piling, the noblest souls were filing,
To the soldier's final rest.
CHORUS -- Then march, boys, march with the gallant Twenty-fourth,
.And through that dreary glade where those hero boys are laid,
We'll sing the priceless Worth of the Triple State Brigade,
The Ironclad Brigade and the gallant Twenty-fourth.
5. Next, thro' Gettysburg we trod; and still trusting in our God,
Thro' those Independence Days,
With our blood we soaked the sod, and o'er hundreds heaped the clod,
Their holy mound of praise.
CHORUS -- Then march, boys, march with the gallant Twenty-fourth,
And when that grassy glade, by our blue coats was o'erlaid,
We'll sing the priceless Worth of the Triple State Brigade,
The Ironclad Brigade and the gallant Twenty-fourth.
6. Then Peck our colors grasping, tho' death his form was clasping,
Still held them up in sight,
Till other hands were reaching, and other boys beseeching,
To bear them thru' the fight.
CHORUS -- So march, boys, march with the gallant Twenty-fourth,
And where they all were laid, Grace, Dickey, Safford, Speed,
We'll sing the priceless Worth of the Triple State Brigade,
The Ironclad Brigade and the gallant Twenty-fourth.
7. That flag now rent and tattered, by shell and bullet shattered,
Is sacred in our eyes;
For when the Captain found it, five brave ones were lying around it,
Who fell to save the prize.
CHORUS -- Then march, boys, march with the gallant Twenty-fourth,
Since by each broken blade, that on their breasts were laid,
They won immortal birth, for the Triple State Brigade,
For the Iron Clad. Brigade and our gallant Twenty-fourth.
8. What tho' fair maids be sighing, and what tho' wives are crying.
As they buckle on the belt,
Our flag is up and flying, and soldier boys are dying,
Where the battle's blows are dealt.
CHORUS--So march, boys, march with the gallant Twenty-fourth,
And if by hill or glade, in our blanket robes we're laid,
Still our land shall see the worth of our Triple State Brigade,
The Iron Clad Brigade and the gallant Twenty-fourth.