1. Isabella Marshall (Mrs. John Graham) b. 1742
2. Isabella Graham (Mrs. Divie Bethune) b.
3. Isabella Bethune (Mrs. George Duffield III) b. 1799
4 Isabella (Belle) Duffield (Mrs. Morse Stewart Sr.) b. 1830
5 Isabella (Bell with no "e") Stewart (Mrs. Charles G. Lothrop) b.
6. Isabella Lothrop (Mrs H. Munroe Campbell Jr) b. 1890
had two children, my father HMC III and George Lothrop Campbell
7 Isabella Campbell (girl name that probably would have been used)
I have omitted the middle names which are sometimes used and sometimes not.
It get confusing because sometimes the maiden name is used, sometime the married name. I am reading a memoir about Mrs.
Stewart who is referred to as IGDS.
Her daughter eventually to be Mrs. Lothrop is IGBS.
I for Isabella, G for Graham, D for Duffield, B for Bethune, S for Stewart
It just occurred to me that my uncle George was probably named after George Duffield.