Henry Munroe Campbell born, Detroit, Apr.18, 1854; educated in Detroit public and high schools and University of Michigan,
graduating, degree of Ph. B., 1876, and Law Department, same university, LL. B., 1878; married Caroline Boardman Burtenshaw,
daughter of James Burtenshaw (b Eng 1818) & Caroline (b CT 1824), on 22 Nov 1881 in Detroit. , Director People's State Bank;
director chairman of Union Trust, the River Rouge Improvement company, vice president, director and counsel for Parke, Davis
& Co., Studied law in office of Alfred Russell and was admitted to the bar, Oct., 1877; Member American Bar Association, Michigan
State Bar Association, Detroit Bar Association, cofounded law firm of Russell & Campbell, which today is the law firm Dickinson
Wright, became house counsel for the Michigan Central RR (a western spur of the NY Central), builder of the Detroit Electric
Railway (the first electric streetcar in America), counsel for American Express, Regents of U of M, director the Cass Farm
company, Was one of the organizers of the Detroit Naval Reserve and commanded 3d division as senior lieutenant. President
Detroit Naval Reserve during Spanish-American War. Elected delegate to Constitutional Convention, State of Michigan, 1907.
Republican. Episcopalian. Member Society Colonial Govenors, Delta Kappa Epsilon. Clubs: Detroit (ex-president), Detroit Boat,
Country, Yondotega, Prismatic, University, Huron Mountain. Recreations: Hunting, fishing, yachting and golf. Office: 604 Union
Trust Bldg. Residence: 913 Jefferson Av.